NoteRehabber, the Non-Performing Note Specialists

NoteRehabber is a real estate investing firm working with partners across the nation.
At NoteRehabber, we specialize in transforming non-performing assets into profitable investments.

We Work With

We Work With

Asset Managers

Struggling with a portfolio of poor-quality assets? We can help. We buy non-performing assets quickly and painlessly so you can focus on improving profitability.


Real estate investing is one of the most reliable and opportunistic methods of investing available today. We help investors find their ideal niche in the industry to realize smart returns.

Property Experts

After acquiring an asset, we turn to expert contractors, flippers, realtors, and other property pros to maximize the value on a property. We partner with experienced businesses around the country.

We Specialize in Non-Performing Assets

We Specialize in Non-Performing Assets

Experienced Professionals

The NoteRehabber team is made up of industry experts who specialize in the note process. We’ve created a streamlined system that provides speed and reliability for our asset managers while allowing for flexibility with borrowers, investors, and property experts.

Reliable Partners

At NoteRehabber, our goal is to create mutual benefit on all sides of a deal. From the asset managers struggling to profit from a property to the borrower who is upside-down on their mortgage, NoteRehabber takes care of each person’s needs every step of the way.

Market-Savvy Strategies

There’s always a way to turn a challenging situation into a profitable one – it just requires experience and creativity. At NoteRehabber, we’re known for thinking outside the box to ensure everyone is happy with their end of the deal. We help borrowers avoid judgments and foreclosure while ensuring our asset managers and investors are taken care of from start to close.

We Are Dedicated to Our Clients

At NoteRehabber, we live by a code. 

We always provide the utmost level of service to our clients. 

We always maintain impeccable professionalism. 

We always strive to provide a win for our Asset Manager partners,
a win for our Investors, and a win for the Borrower.

The NoteRehabber Network